[YouTube] Puerto Rican Activists Took Over the Statue of Liberty by VICE: https://youtu.be/veASXAsuXtw [Newspaper] New York Times- October 26, 1977, Page 30: https://www.nytimes.com/1977/10/26/archives/30-in-puerto-rican-group-held-in-liberty-i-protest.html [Newscast/Journalism] LatinoUSA Que Bonita Bandera (following image): https://www.latinousa.org/2012/10/19/que-bonita-bandera/ [Government Website]Liberty Island Chronology by Statue of Liberty- National Park Service (see 1977): https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/liberty-island-a-chronology.htm [Primary Document] Brochure ¡PRESENTE! The […]
Portfolio of work by Alma Lopez: https://almalopez.myportfolio.com Podcast Discussion with Alma Lopez by Latinos Who Lunch: http://www.latinoswholunch.com/episodes/2019/3/28/alma-lopez Our Lady of Controversy (following image): https://almalopez.myportfolio.com/i-love-lupe CUNY Student access to [Book] Our Lady of controversy: https://cuny-gc.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01CUNY_GC/16jbkos/alma9994405573806140
mixed media. Brasil, Candomblè, youth, afro, yemanjà, Black [south] American. The print I referred to in the captions for the “Jesus Negro” image can be found as a digital file on this URL: https://www.loc.gov/resource/ppmsca.09855/ URL for Instagram Page: https://instagram.com/uendelns?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=