items & objects This digital space is an emerging and evolving educational praxis. It is currently designed for students in the courses I teach and attendee-participants for workshops and panels I am involved in.

Resources for DEFCon Speaker Series Talk

Scroll below to access talk materials and resources.

Creating Your Own Map:

Sign up for Open Street Maps:

Creating with uMap:


Link to Presentation Slides:

Mapping Projects:

Engaged Pedagogy:

  • Freire, P. (2020). Pedagogy of the oppressed. In Toward a Sociology of Education (pp. 374-386). Routledge
  • hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress. Routledge.

[Film Trailer]

This film supports the teaching of the CUNY Digital History Archive- Puerto Rican Studies at Brooklyn College collection discussed during the talk.

Making the Impossible Possible: The Story of Puerto Rican Studies in Brooklyn College from Third World Newsreel on Vimeo.